21st Century War

We are Losing People every day
some people suicide,
some people loose interest in life and
a lot of us in this new era of social media faces
depression and anxiety



Burden of disease by cause, World, 2017

Total disease burden measured in Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALY). One DALY equals one lost year of healthy life

Reference: ourworldindata.org

What is Dr.Mind?

Dr.Mind is an App/Platform that screens mental health issues using verified algorithm based tests, connects people to the right healthcare professionals, provides emergency help to people requiring emotional support and gives various evidence based scientific solutions to improve overall mental well being of an individual of any age. 


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Our Mission

To promote early identification of mental health problems and provide access to services and support so as to improves lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. 

Wall Of Hope

Our Amazing Team

Ravi Parmar

Project Lead, SOFTWARE EnginEEr & Ui/UX Designer

Dr. Naveen Parmar

Medical Advisor

Rajat Kumar

SOftware Engineer

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